Severus Snejp (engl. Severus Snape, 9. januar 1960 – 2. maj 1997) je lik iz serije romana o Hariju Poteru. Bio je polukrvni čarobnjak, što znači da mu je jedan roditelj bio normalac.Severus Snejp je 1971. godine upisao prvu godinu na Hogvortsu zajedno sa Lili Evans, Džejmsom Poterom, Piterom Petigruom, Sirijusom Blekom i Remusom Lupinom. Od ranog detinjstva je zaljubljen u Lili Evans, kasnije Poter. U školi je izučavao mračne veštine koje su ga fascinirale.Kada je završio Hogvorts 1979. godine priključuje se Smrtožderima, ozloglašenim pristalicama Lorda Voldemora. Kada saznaje za proročanstvo koje kaže da će se krajem jula roditi dečak (Hari) koji će imati moći da uništi Voldemora, Snejp odmah to prenosi svome gospodaru. Kada je Snejp saznao da je Voldemor krenuo na Lili Poter, prešao je na drugu stranu, na stranu Albusa Dambldora koji je bio najveći čarobnjak toga vremena. Posle ubistva Poterovih Snejp se zakleo Dambldoru da će štititi Harija svojim životom u znak sećanja na Lili. To obećanje i ispunjava, ali tajno da Hari to ne bi saznao. On 1996. godine ubija Dambldora, koji ga je to i zamolio, jer mu je ostalo vrlo malo života i želeo je da umre časno od prijatelja, a ne da zapadne u Voldemorove šake.Posle ubistva Snejp se opet priključuje Voldemoru po nalogu Dambldora. Godine 1997. Lord Voldemor ubija Severusa Snejpa.U filmovima ga igra Alan Rickman.
Zanimljivosti o Severusu Snejpu:
1.Snejp je ustvari jedan od mladjih profesora na Hogwartsu.Kada je umro imao je 37 godina.
2.J.K je izjavila da joj je Snejp jedan od omiljenih likova za pisanje.
3.Roulingova je rekla da je Snejpa pravila po uzoru na jako strogog profesora kojeg je imala u skoli.
4.Uloga Snejpa je prvo bila ponudjena Tim Roth-u ali ju je on odbio.Alan Rickman je bio licni izbor J.K Rowling.
Some random quotes:
-"Well, well, Lupin. Out for a little walk... in the moonlight are we?" Snape said. (The Prisoner of Azkaban) Snape being funny!
-"Oh, very good....Yes, it is easy to see that nearly six years of magical education have not been wasted on you, Potter. 'Ghosts are transparent.'" (Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince Snape's sarcasm at its best.
-What would your head have been doing in Hogsmeade, Potter? Your head is not allowed in Hogsmeade. No part of your body has permission to be in Hogsmeade." (Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban)
-"You might be laboring under the delusion that the entire wizarding world is impressed with you." (Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire)
-"Or are you afraid he might not take the advice of a man who has been hiding inside his mother's house for six months very seriously?" Snape said. (Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix)
-I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory, even stopper death -- if you aren't as big a bunch of dunderheads as I usually have to teach," Snape said. (Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone)
-"Do you know what I think, Potter?...I think that you are a liar and a cheat and that you deserve detention with me every Saturday until the end of term. "What do you think, Potter?" (Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince)
-"I have played my part well," said Snape. "And you overlook Dumbledore's greatest weakness: He has to believe the best of people...." (Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince)
-"The Dark Lord does not complain that I stayed, so I do not see why you do." (Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince)
Zanimljivosti o Severusu Snejpu:
1.Snejp je ustvari jedan od mladjih profesora na Hogwartsu.Kada je umro imao je 37 godina.
2.J.K je izjavila da joj je Snejp jedan od omiljenih likova za pisanje.
3.Roulingova je rekla da je Snejpa pravila po uzoru na jako strogog profesora kojeg je imala u skoli.
4.Uloga Snejpa je prvo bila ponudjena Tim Roth-u ali ju je on odbio.Alan Rickman je bio licni izbor J.K Rowling.
Some random quotes:
-"Well, well, Lupin. Out for a little walk... in the moonlight are we?" Snape said. (The Prisoner of Azkaban) Snape being funny!
-"Oh, very good....Yes, it is easy to see that nearly six years of magical education have not been wasted on you, Potter. 'Ghosts are transparent.'" (Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince Snape's sarcasm at its best.
-What would your head have been doing in Hogsmeade, Potter? Your head is not allowed in Hogsmeade. No part of your body has permission to be in Hogsmeade." (Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban)
-"You might be laboring under the delusion that the entire wizarding world is impressed with you." (Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire)
-"Or are you afraid he might not take the advice of a man who has been hiding inside his mother's house for six months very seriously?" Snape said. (Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix)
-I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory, even stopper death -- if you aren't as big a bunch of dunderheads as I usually have to teach," Snape said. (Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone)
-"Do you know what I think, Potter?...I think that you are a liar and a cheat and that you deserve detention with me every Saturday until the end of term. "What do you think, Potter?" (Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince)
-"I have played my part well," said Snape. "And you overlook Dumbledore's greatest weakness: He has to believe the best of people...." (Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince)
-"The Dark Lord does not complain that I stayed, so I do not see why you do." (Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince)